Arrange A Chiropractic Visit For A Loved One In The Hospital


When you have a loved one in the hospital, you might be doing a number of things to keep him or her comfortable. While you shouldn't discount the efforts you're making, it's also worthwhile to consider what other types of care you can arrange. In many cases, having a health practitioner such as a chiropractic physician visit a loved one in the hospital can be beneficial for a number of reasons.

24 April 2017

Three Self-Massage Techniques To Reduce Stress During Air Travel


Despite the fact that airline travel is exceedingly safe, many people suffer from a strong fear about the process. About 6.5 percent of Americans, or more than 20 million people, experience a degree of anxiety about flying; if you're among this group, air travel might be anything but fun. The good news is that massage can help. While it's ideal to visit your local massage therapist in the days leading up to your flight to promote relaxation, you can also consider employing a few simple self-massage techniques on yourself.

5 April 2016

Three Health Issues That A Chiropractic Adjustment Can Help


Chiropractic adjustments are often synonymous with providing relief for back pain, but it's important to know that you can schedule an appointment with this health practitioner to address a variety of other health complaints. Whether you've been suffering from a health issue and haven't had success with other types of treatments or you've recently been diagnosed with something and want to seek a cure for without the use of drugs, you can call a chiropractor in Windsor and schedule a consultation.

17 December 2015

Three Ways To Reduce Your Headache Pain Before You Visit A Chiropractor


When you're suffering from a headache, your workday and the time you spend with your family can suffer as you deal with symptoms such as a difficulty concentrating and even being irritable. If you're looking for a drug-free way to reduce your discomfort, seeking out a chiropractor in your area and booking a consultation can be your first step toward reducing your pain and restoring your quality of life. A handful of treatment and a discussion about some easy-to-adopt lifestyle changes can often make headaches a thing of the past.

2 September 2015

Three Reasons Equestrians Should See a Chiropractor Regularly


Equestrians often learn to ride through pain and soreness. Complain that your back is stiff, and your trainers will likely roll their eyes and tell you to get back out there. Riding through pain is just part of the sport—but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything to address the pain after you dismount. If your back has been stiff or sore during your recent rides, here are three reasons why scheduling regular chiropractic adjustments is advised.

2 September 2015

Natural Treatments For Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a complex medical disorder characterized by extreme fatigue, muscle stiffness, and skeletal pain. Manyfibromyalgia patients also suffer from mood and memory disorders. Although doctors are not sure of the exact causes of this disease, genetics, infections, and physical trauma are all thought to play roles in its development. Conventional treatment includes prescription pain relievers, antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs, but these medications are not effective for all patients. Some patients experience the greatest relief from symptoms when they turn to these alternative treatments, either in conjunction with, or in place of prescription drugs.

12 August 2014